People who have been `kecanduan` coffee sometimes a day can drink more than three glasses. When the breakfast, made expel drowsiness in the afternoon and evening.
But be careful, excessive coffee drinking can increase the risk of death at the age under 55 years old.
There have been many studies on the effects of coffee on health, although the measure of benefits and
losses is not as easy as menegaknya. This is due to a variety of lifestyle and genetic factors influence the extent to which the coffee will be good or bad for the long-term health.
In a study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found between drinking more than 28 cups of coffee a week and the risk of death at the age under 55 years old. For every cup of coffee that is 8 ounces.
Experts say, the optimal dose of coffee varies, depending on the person. Since everyone has a different tolerance for coffee. But, the study's authors emphasize the message to moderate.
In this study, 40 thousand people aged 20-87 years were followed for 16 years. Researchers looked at the risk of heavy coffee drinkers in men and women under 55 years of age, who drank more than four cups a day.
In men the corresponding descriptions, the risk was 56 percent higher than non-coffee drinkers. In women, the risk was greater doubled compared to non-coffee drinkers.
"It seems safe low dose of coffee," said Carl J Lavie, who is co-author John Ochsner Heart and Vascular Institute in New Orleans.
"We do not see anything bad that happens to about 28 cups per week," he was quoted as saying WishTV, Friday (23/08/2013).
He added that the research was not seen an increase in cardiovascular mortality at each dose in men or women at any age.
Researchers did find an association between heavy coffee drinkers and death, but did not find evidence that leads to death.
"What if the super, driven stress drank 10 cups of coffee a day?" asked Lavie.
"That does not mean coffee will kill them, the fact that the stress that kills them."
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