Four Reasons to Drink Coffee Can Make You Longevity

By Iyicoffee

Dependence coffee contains high levels of caffeine may give bad impact on the health of people. Such increases stomach acid or makes the heart pounding faster.

A recent study based on a study of 208 501 participants said that drinking 3-5 cups of coffee a day can help you avoid many diseases - and make you a long life.

Interestingly, the scientists found that certain bioactive compounds contained in coffee beans that
offer things that are better than caffeine. So decaffeinated coffee also coined the same health benefits.

TH Ming Chan Ding of the Harvard School of Public Health states coffee can 'reduce insulin resistance and systemic inflammation have a positive effect on your health.

According to Real Coffee, men drank an average of 1.7 cups of coffee per day while women drinking 1.5 - but 80 percent of Britons drink twice as much tea instead of coffee per day.

Here are four reasons why 80 percent of people are missing and should drink more:

First, It could help you avoid premature death

By drinking 3-5 cups of coffee a day, you can avoid dying prematurely as a result of heart disease.

Emily Reeve, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said the new research supports the notion established that five cups of coffee a day will not harm the health of your heart.

Second, Helps you avoid type 2 diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver

The positive effects of coffee to reduce the potential for type 2 diabetes and those who like to drink coffee 20 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver disease, which is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, according to a 2006 study.

Third, Avoiding of Parkinson's disease

Previous science has told coffee lovers could possibly affected by Alzheimer's. But the new findings show you can help fight a number of neurological diseases, including Parkinson's coffee consumption.

Fourth, As a natural Viagra

A study published this year said coffee is a good remedy for erectile dysfunction like flexing your muscles and increase blood flow.

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