Watch out, Recognize Signs Coffee Addiction

By Iyicoffee

How many cups of coffee you can spend in a day ?. If you feel that desire to drink more than you ever thought, you probably already addicted.

Coffee is a beverage that contains caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical that can keep you awake.

That's because the drink coffee in the morning is ideal for busy people.

This also explains why people often drink coffee at night when they're working overtime or when they need to stay awake.

But it turns out caffeine can affect more than just making the body is maintained.

Coffee is known addictive because some people really feel dizzy and felt a headache when not drink coffee.

If this happens to you, then it could be an early sign that you also may have problems caffeine dependence.

Many chemicals that can boost energy and mood, including caffeine which has the effect of destabilizing the body's natural homeostasis.

This can affect how the body works. If this condition occurs, you will experience an unhealthy addiction to coffee.

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