Most of us start the day by sipping a cup of coffee. It turns out, coffee in the morning was also good for improving sports performance. Athletes who drink coffee appear to have a higher resistance than those who did not drink. Once the findings of a study the University of Georgia.
Researcher and author of the study, Simon Higgins said, "Coffee helps athletes because coffee is a beverage with natural ingredients. There is a potential for the intake of caffeine from coffee have the same durability benefits by consuming caffeine pills."
"Coffee is a popular source of caffeine. Research we look at the research about the benefits ergogeniknya," he added.
Researchers noted in nine trials between three and seven milligrams per kilogram of body weight of caffeine from coffee appears to increase resistance to an average of 24 percent. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee varies between 75 to 150 mg, depending on how the coffee beans roasted and made drinks. The amount of caffeine also depends on the variety.
In nine experiments, study participants cycling or running after drinking coffee. After that, they exercise vigorously with the results recorded. Most endurance athletes' increased quite a lot "after drinking coffee. The study also concluded that caffeine from coffee have ergogenik benefits that improve physical performance. However, more research is needed to investigate the use of caffeine from coffee as a challenge to the use of pure caffeine. Higgins said, "Research on coffee as a source of caffeine is still lacking. However, there is a lot of research on pure caffeine. Surprising how little we know about the caffeine from coffee in terms of endurance as beneficial effects with pure caffeine."
Concluded that coffee as beneficial as tablet caffeine or caffeine powder for endurance during exercise. "There is a perception that coffee did not have the same benefit with pure caffeine," said Higgins. However, researchers also warned athletes to pay attention to the amount of caffeine ingested. "There is a letter of warning to the athlete in terms of coffee consumption. Be careful because we do not know how much the content of caffeine in coffee, especially when the liquor was prepared by someone else. Athletes should use caffeine as recommended by the expert diet because NCAA enter caffeine in banned substances ". Not everyone is also resistant to drink coffee. Instead of improving endurance during exercise, drink coffee even make the heart beat faster. This study has been published in the international journal Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.
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