Chlorogenic Acid and Roasting Coffee

By Iyicoffee

Processing of coffee, including coffee roasting, could not be separated from the various chemical processes. The chemist and coffee lovers are usually already familiar with the name of chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acids), which is a group of natural acids contained in coffee beans, and usually decompose even lost during the roasting process. While it is often discussed in the research journal of food science, health and food chemistry, there are still many mysteries behind the chlorogenic acid,
including the actual effect on us when roasting and drink coffee.

Brief of chlorogenic acid

Basically, the chlorogenic acids are a group of natural acids produced in a variety of crops, including coffee. Arabica coffee beans of the type that are still green (green bean) is that most of this acid-containing groups, which could be 9%. However, this number can be affected by many things such as climate, soil type, environment, and genetic factors. Chlorogenic acid itself serves as a natural means of defense and gave indication or alarm events in the interaction between plants and microbes in the soil where he grew up.

Chlorogenic acid has been the object of research and observation, but the benefits of this acid on the body condition of the coffee drinkers have never really known in detail. However, one thing is certain: these acids are experiencing massive changes and affect the taste of coffee when the coffee roasting.

Chlorogenic acid and roasting coffee

Klorogeniat acid slowly decomposes when roasted coffee beans, the longer the roasting process, the more acidic compounds which decompose so that the acidity of the coffee decreases. Levels and the pace of decline will vary depending acidity details in the roasting process. However, experts argue that the chlorogenic acid decomposes as much as 60% in the degree of medium roasted (medium roast) and 100% in the degree of roasted jet (dark roast). Acids contained in this acid group such as acid and acid kafeat quinat also decompose in the roasting process. It later affects the taste of coffee.

Scientists disagree about what happens to the chlorogenic acid components are biodegradable. Most of possibilities breaks down into byproducts such as catechol and phenol, but there is also research that indicates that this acid decomposes into volatile products or even decompose through Maillard reaction method.

Is there any benefit?

The real benefits of chlorogenic acid and the breakdown is not known with certainty. However, this acid is suspected to have certain effects on the body, because the acid is arguably a kind of natural antioxidants. Although not so known what health effects, natural antioxidants in coffee has a positive potential for the condition of the body.

Finally, the experts found chlorogenic acid decomposition process possibility of giving certain characteristics to the taste of coffee. Unfortunately, there is currently no definitive research results about the link between chlorogenic acid decomposition in the process of roasting coffee beans with a specific taste.

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