Why Coffee Make We Hold Stay Awake?

By Iyicoffee

When should immediately complete the task, many of us drink coffee to feel at home in the evening literacy. The new study found the reason why coffee makes us impervious to stay up.

Caffeine is found in coffee interfere with the circadian rhythm of our body. Circadian rhythm is an
internal clock in the body that tells the body when to sleep and when to wake up. The amount of caffeine in a double espresso to shift the internal clock to an average of 40 minutes. Similarly, the research team from the University of Colorado and Harvard Medical School.

Effects like literacy was getting worse when combined with bright light. Three hours of bright light exposure before sleep shift to 85-minute sleep cycle, nearly one and a half hour. Combined with caffeine, bright light shifts the sleep time up to 1 hour and 45 minutes.

"This is the first study to prove THAT caffeine widely used as a psychoactive drug in the world affects the circadian clock humans. The study also provides new insights and interesting about the effects of caffeine on the physiology of the human body," said Kenneth Wright of the Department of Physiology Integrative University of Colorado.

Many studies have proved caffeine interfere with the circadian rhythm of small organisms from the mushroom bread to fly. Caffeine can affect the release of the sleep hormone melatonin in the human body.

The research team recruited five volunteers who are involved in an intensive 49-day study, came to the laboratory for a given exposure to bright light, dim light, caffeine and a placebo to see what happens with the cycles of sleep and wakefulness.

Volunteers agree not drink alcohol or caffeine or any kind of medication during the study period.

Researchers then test the saliva and blood and body cells taken from volunteers. They found that caffeine blocking cell receptors, the entrance molecular bring in adenosine, a chemical messenger or neurotransmitter that encourages a person to sleep.

The same team conducted a study that proves when eight people were on the mountain without artificial light, they change the body's internal clock. Automatically they sleep at sunset and woke up when the sun rises.

These new findings help explain why heavy coffee drinkers tend to be awake at night. This may be a strategic move to use coffee to overcome jet lag, not just drank a triple espresso when exposed to jet lag and hope for the best.

"Other experiments are needed to test this research and it is important to monitor the sleep disturbances caused by caffeine that under certain conditions it may worsen jet lag," he wrote in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

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