Negative Effects Of Coffee For Young Women

By Iyicoffee

Basically, drink coffee have a different impact on a person's body. However, there are some things that must be considered, especially for the young ladies if you love to eat coffee.

Hormone Imbalance

Adolescent phase is a period where hormone found in the body out of balance. So, sometimes hormone levels can increase, sometimes also can be dropped. By consuming excessive coffee instead could correct the imbalance that already exists, but instead memerburuk hormone secretion process due to the caffeine found in coffee may alter the pattern of heart rate and blood pressure.

Menstrual Cycle

At puberty, female adolescents already menstruating or who is often dubbed as the "coming months". Related to the first point above, with an imbalance of hormones contained in our body, can alter the menstrual cycle in young women, whether it delays or occur more rapidly (often).

Increased Weight

The teenage years are the time in which you learn to become a real woman. From now on, you must have been concerned with appearance, especially that related to weight. Well, if you're a fan of coffee, coffee was found to increase the weight! Why? Again because of the caffeine in coffee can increase the levels of fat in the body.

Cardiovascular Disease

For teenagers, especially girls, are advised not to consume too much coffee because it can lead to cardiovascular disease. This can occur because of the caffeine content of coffee can trigger a high cardiac disorders.

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