6 Healthy Facts about coffee

By Iyicoffee

Coffee is one of the favorite drinks of men and women. In addition to the sharp tempting aroma, coffee is often a damper drinks drowsiness well as an energy booster. If taken in the right quantity, coffee has benefits both for the health of the body. The following 6 healthy benefits to be gained from
a cup of coffee:

1. For a woman, the consumption of coffee in the morning lowers the risk of depression. A study led by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that the risk of depression 20 percent lower in women who drink coffee.

2. The smell of coffee can wake you from sleep. Results of a study conducted by researchers from Seoul National University in 2008 and has proved it.

3. Can treat erectile dysfunction. If you are a coffee drinker male equivalent of 2-3 cups every day, there is good news for you. Men who drink coffee between 85-170 mg of caffeine per day, 42 percent less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.

4. Drink coffee around 10:00 am. Drinking coffee shortly after waking up is not a problem, but we should wait a few moments after the levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, really down.

5. Coffee lowers risk of Alzheimer's disease. People who drank 3-5 cups of coffee a day had a risk of Alzheimer's 20 percent smaller than those not, so the results of the study in 2014 of Alzheimer Europe Annual Congress.

6. Coffee as a stamina enhancer. "Studies show that caffeine in coffee can increase physical endurance and stamina," says Molly Kimball, dietitian in New Orleans

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