Coffee suitable for People Not Too Love Coffee

By Iyicoffee

Sometimes a lot of people are embarrassed to admit that he does not like to drink coffee when invited his friends for a reunion in a nearby coffee shop. Because they do not know what the right coffee and that is not too bitter for him, as a result he was just wasting his money because the coffee he ordered
turned out to be very bitter. Do you know one of your friends like that? Or is it possible that you?

Do not be embarrassed to admit because it is not accustomed to drinking coffee, there are several coffee that you can still enjoy without fear of bitterness. Among them the following.


Latte in a brief explanation means "coffee with milk". This type of coffee made from espresso and steam milk. Latte or Caffe Latte is a type of coffee that comes from Italy. Other designations in Europe and Scandinavia, including in France at the Grand Crème. With the blend of coffee and milk to make one type of coffee is delicious drunk for you who do not really like black coffee. Latte combination consists of one third espresso and two-thirds of the milk which is then evaporated.


A bit like a latte, mocha is also made from a blend of espresso and milk only with the addition of cocoa powder. So when compared with a latte, mocha creamier because there is a combination of steam milk and cocoa powder. The cocoa powder can also be replaced with chocolate syrup or other types of chocolate to taste. In addition, you can also choose two variants of which chocolate is dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Mocha is often misunderstood by the "hot chocolate" because there is a brown powder therein.


Such as latte, cappuccino also come from a country that has one of the sites of the Seven Wonders of the World, namely Italy. The difference between a latte and cappuccino is a beverage made from coffee, hot milk and milk foam. If there is no milk, cream can be used as milk substitutes and usually decorated by cinnamon. Comparison of the amount of coffee, milk, and foam was different in each country are fond of this drink. However, cappuccino milk foam contains more than the mix of espresso and hot milk.

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