Five Steps Before Brew Coffee Beans

By Iyicoffee

If you want to enjoy the coffee that comes from the seeds and the process itself, there are several steps that must be considered.

1. Freshness

Remember that coffee beans still taste good only until 2 weeks after baking. Consider carefully the amount of beans you want to purchase.

2. Find a Good mill machinery

There are 2 types of grinding machines, the burr and blade. What is the difference? Blade is the most economical engines and easy to use. Practical size is also the reason why many people prefer this machine. Blade uses a straight blade. The disadvantage, the size of the mill end is not so precise so that it can change the taste of the coffee itself. While the burr using a serrated knife blade so that the accuracy is maintained. Burr also devoid of other drawbacks possessed blade, the blade easily become hot and finally back to change the taste of coffee. More exciting, is equipped with a burr grinder settings for desired outcomes, ranging from fine to coarse. However, this machine requires you to really understand how to use all the grip.

3. Storage Containers

As well as olive oil, direct exposure to sunlight can degrade the quality of the coffee. The best storage place for coffee is very tightly seal the container with the material concentrated colored glass or ceramic.

4. Hot Flush

Before starting, flush all the equipment needed in the engine of your brew with hot water to keep the temperature. So is the cup that will be used. If you use a paper filter when the brew, pour hot water on it first.

5. Make sure Size

Know that one teaspoon of French coffee beans are not the same as a teaspoon of coffee beans Indonesia. So, make sure you identify the type of coffee to be made, including the size of the presentation.

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