This Indonesian origin Coffee Five Most Popular

By Iyicoffee

INDONESIA is one country that has fertile soil and suitable planting various plants, one of which is coffee. Indonesian coffee is well known as a quality coffee.

Here's a typical Indonesian coffee are popular because of the quality of taste and aroma.

Sumatra coffee

Sumatran coffee's popularity can no doubt, delicious coffee is well known in foreign countries. Some types of coffee which is famous among other things coffee Sidikalang, Lintong and Mandheling. Sumatran coffee has a smooth texture, but the aroma and strong taste. For coffee lovers, Sumatran coffee flavor has a characteristic that the aroma of spices.

Toraja coffee

Tana Toraja produce coffee with a distinctive taste. If the coffee is generally very strong with the bitter taste of Toraja coffee has a strong distinctive taste sour. Toraja coffee bean shape is quite small but more shiny and smooth on the skin of the seeds.

Aceh Gayo coffee

Aceh Gayo coffee is coffee that is famous ranging from domestic to overseas. This is because the type of coffee is exported to the neighboring countries. Gayo coffee comes from beans grown in Central Aceh Gayo Land area. Gayo coffee flavors have a bitter taste with low acidity. Brewed coffee lovers who captivated many with a bitter taste and aroma typical savory Gayo coffee.

Java coffee

Java is not as famous coffee Gayo coffee or coffee toraja but the audience can not be said little. Java coffee has a bitter taste that is not too strong so suitable for those who are not too fond of black coffee. Aroma of spices a little burst when freshly brewed coffee, it makes copies of Java has its own characteristics.

Coffee Papua Wamena

Coffee plants grown in Indonesia's easternmost region receive special treatment because coffee is grown at an altitude of 1500 m with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. This is the reason coffee Papua Wamena has a mild taste and has a sharp fragrance delights. Coffee is also the sort of high-quality coffee because coffee farmers grow coffee organically without the use of chemicals at all. In addition to Java coffee, coffee Papua could also be an alternative choice of coffee for those who are not too fond of black coffee.

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