Coffee is a beverage that is high in caffeine. Drinks made from coffee beans, has good benefits for health, one of which can increase adrenal hormones in the body. But unfortunately, the negative effects of coffee are also not small. One of them is that it can make people who eat them to become addicted. Indeed, if taken regularly and not excessive, will give a positive impact on the health of the body, such as treating diabetes, reducing the risk of Parkinson's disease, prevent cancer, reduce the
risk of stroke, and many more.
However, if consumed in excess will cause your health to decrease, as a result you will suffer from insomnia, hypertension, heart is pounding, miscarriage in pregnant women, and others.
To stop your habit of drinking coffee, if it is an addiction is not easy, because every day you would have to drink coffee. Usually people who are addicted, if not drinking coffee a day, the mouth will taste bitter. That is the effect of coffee drinking addiction. Therefore, you should be able to fight with some simple but effective way of overcoming addiction. Here's an easy way to overcome addiction enpat coffee:
Learn about the ill effects of caffeine
To stop your habit of drinking coffee, the first step you should mengetaahui bad effects of caffeine contained in coffee. Consuming too much caffeine can make you work hard adrenal hormones and cause you always awake. If you already know what are the bad effects of caffeine, slowly you will definitely reduce the consumption of coffee beverages.
If you are addicted to coffee, try to do things that are positive, such as exercise. With exercise, your mind will be distracted, so the desire to consume coffee to be reduced. This method is an effective way of overcoming addiction healthy.
Reduce consumption gradually
Stop taking instant coffee or directly is very difficult. For that, try to reduce your coffee intake gradually and piecemeal. If you previously every day consume as much as 5 cups of coffee, you can reduce it by half. Try to reduce it every day or every week.
An alternative way of healthy
After you successfully reduce coffee consumption gradually, and then try to cover up your addiction by consuming fruit juice, or tea can. In addition, multiply also consume water so that toxins from caffeine may disappear.
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