Coffee connoisseurs Black Potentially Psychopaths

By Iyicoffee

How do you enjoy your coffee every day? Concentrated and bitter? Be careful, it could be without you knowing it, you have the qualities of a psychopath. At least so the results of a study led by Dr. Christina Sagioglou of Innsbruk University, UK. But I do not agree on this research, because I and my friends loved the coffee bitter and we are very aware that we do not include the potential psychopath or a rough personality.

Sagioglou summarizes the results of a study revealing that people who enjoy strong coffee and bitter, like black coffee and tonic water, potentially have a sadistic and narcissistic nature. Both of these properties indicates a person suffering from psychopathic.

Approximately 500 male respondents examined in this controversial study. All respondents were asked to rank the taste of beverages, ranging from sweet, bitter, and tasteless. Along with that, they also have to fill out a questionnaire about personality. A number of questions covering empathy, the ability to provoke, and wounding others.

Then, all respondents were also tested with a selection of their statements often expressed in everyday life. It aims to assess the possibility of a person having control properties, psychopathic and narcissistic.

Then, other test test judge about the possibility of violent behavior towards others.

As a result, a study published by the journal Appetite concluded that generally people who enjoy a bitter taste in everyday life tend rough personality, control freak, psychopath, sadistic and narcissistic.

According to Dr. Sagliogou, addiction bitter taste in beverages and foods causing emotional fluctuations, ie someone to enjoy the thick of things with an aura of gloomy and full of fear.

"Our study found a strong correlation between the craze will be bitterness against the sadistic nature of the potential in everyday life," said Sagliogou.

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