Arabica and Robusta. What is the difference?

By Iyicoffee

Many types of coffee in the world that has the quality and the best quality. That is what makes a particular type of coffee so popular and sought after by many coffee lovers around the world. Arabica and Robusta coffee types is some kind of a much-loved coffee.

Surely you as coffee lovers surely know the difference of the two types of coffee. But what about you? Do you also know the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee? Here is the information
for you.

Arabica coffee flavor Dreamed Favors

Matter of taste, kind of Arabica coffee has a more diverse flavor variations. Ranging from sweet, gentle, until it feels strong and sharp. When the process is roasted, the aroma released by the type of coffee is similar to blueberries. But after roasted, Arabica coffee beans flavored fruits and sugar.

This coffee types can only grow in the plateau area with an altitude of 700-1700 meters above sea level, with temperatures reaching 16-20 degrees Celsius, dry climates three months in a row. Coffee originating from Brazil and Ethiopia have a 70 percent share of the world coffee market. Many varieties exist in this type of coffee, depending on the country, the climate, and the land where coffee is grown. Coffee varieties, among others such as Toraja coffee, Mandailings, Colombia, Brazil, and many others. Although these varieties belong to the Arabica coffee types, but each of these varieties have different flavors.

Here are characteristic of Arabica coffee:

Has a fragrant odor, similar to the combination of fragrant fruits and flowers. Coffee tree living in the area since the cold.
Has a sour taste that is not owned by any type of coffee Robusta.
Has a strong taste in the mouth moment.
The coffee taste also more subtle, but tend to be bitter.

Robusta coffee

This kind of coffee has a neutral flavor to sharp variations and is often considered to have a taste like wheat. Arabica coffee Similarly, when roasted Robusta coffee also issued a fragrant aroma. However, the scented Robusta coffee more flavorful like nuts. Unfortunately, the market's best quality coffee species are hard to find. Indeed, it is not as expensive coffee Arabica coffee. However, for a matter of taste, kind of coffee is not to lose competitiveness.

Robusta coffee is a descendant of some varieties like the Coffee canephora. Suitable to be planted with a height of 400-700 meters above sea level, with temperatures of 21-24 degrees Celsius, with a 3-4 month dry months in a row and 3-4 times the rain submissions. Indeed, lower fruit quality of Arabica and Liberika. However, this kind of coffee has mastered 30 percent of the worldwide coffee market. Coffee is also widespread and can be found in Indonesia and the Philippines. Similarly, Robusta coffee packaging process, in each country produce different flavors.

Here are the characteristics of Robusta coffee:

Has a similar taste like chocolate
The resulting distinctive fragrance and sweet-scented
Have different colors according to how to process
Texture types of Robusta is more rugged than Arabica
Well, already know what is the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee types. Lest you confessed connoisseur and lover of coffee, but do not understand the difference.

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