What Happens If We Drink Too Much Coffee

By Iyicoffee

Any excess is certainly not good, including coffee. When drinking within reasonable limits, the delicious drink has a myriad of benefits for your health. Some of them include, able to eliminate sleepiness, lower the risk of diabetes, overcome headaches, healthy teeth, and even prevent oral

So, what if drunk too much? what could happen to you if excessive drinking coffee.

Natural anxiety

Drinking too much coffee has great potential causes of anxiety disorders. According to a report in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, the effect of coffee on the brain is quite profound. The caffeine in coffee has the ability to fool the brain which could dispel drowsiness. Explained researcher, coffee addicts are also known to be more sensitive and easily offended.


If you are accustomed to sipping five cups of coffee every day, it is better to change the habit. Why? According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking too much coffee can make a person experience hallucinations and delusions. For information, two mental disorder that is a common symptom of schizophrenia, in which the sufferer often hear things that are (in fact) do not exist.


The study, published in The Medical Journal of Australia states, too much coffee can cause an increase in heart rate, which in turn can lead to muscle cramps and restless. While according to the National Institutes of Health, excessive coffee can cause eye twitching and so sensitive to light.


Reported Medical Daily, the caffeine in coffee punyak pinned adverse effects for bone health. "Yes, we believe that too much coffee can cause serious problems kinds of Osteoporosis" Dr. Robert H. Shmerling, a health expert at Harvard Medical School.

Then, how many reasonable intake of coffee drunk in one day? Experts say, actually two cups a day is enough!

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