This coffee dregs Benefits for Beauty

By Iyicoffee

Finished drinking coffee, should the rest of the waste is not disposed. Therefore, coffee grounds turned out to have benefits both for the beauty of the body.

What are the benefits?

Dregs Coffee proved beneficial for the hair shine naturally. How, rub coffee grounds to wet hair, massage gently for a few minutes, then rinse.

To Eliminate cellulite, you need caffeine. In coffee contained caffeine content can eliminate cellulite. Combine 1/4 cup coffee grounds with one tablespoon of olive oil. Mix both ingredients and then rubbed on the skin that has cellulite, then wrap with plastic. Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Try to do this every two weeks so that the results are effective.

You Can exfoliates the skin so that skin cells die lifted with coffee grounds. For those who have dry skin can exfoliates the skin with coffee grounds, but is accompanied by the use of a moisturizer. While those with sensitive skin, you can do the test at first hand skin. Make sure there is a reaction or not. If there is no reaction, you are safe to use coffee grounds.

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