Good News and Bad News for Connoisseurs of Instant Coffee

By Iyicoffee

Many benefits of consuming pure coffee without added sugar. However, another story if you consume instant coffee. According to the researchers, although has practical benefits and others, instant coffee containing toxic substances, harmful to health. Various instant coffee which is now very widely sold, and some contain preservatives and additional sweetener that can increase sugar levels in the body. following some good sides and bad instant coffee for health that you need to

Containing toxic substances

Instant coffee has high levels of acrylamide, a chemical that has been through the research process and can contribute to cause cancer in animal tests. According to the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, acylamide can cause nerve damage and can be formed naturally in some foods are heated at very high temperatures. Until now, acrylamide is still being studied to ensure the danger to health, but instant coffee clearly has a high content of acrylamide, at 458 parts-per-billion or ppb, compared with 13 ppb on pure coffee from the coffee beans are ground.

The content of caffeine in instant coffee lower

Instant coffee actually it contained a lower caffeine content than coffee from the coffee beans are ground. In instant coffee, there are only about 27 mg of caffeine per grain. Grain itself has the usual dose of one teaspoon. While the coffee from the coffee beans are ground, there are minimum levels of caffeine as much as 95 mg.

Instant coffee can reduce the risk of heart disease

Coffee from coffee beans pure risk increase cholesterol levels in the body because it has a high content of cafestol. How about instant coffee? The good news, instant coffee contains cafestol lower than the coffee from the coffee beans directly. Cafestol is the womb that can increase cholesterol levels in the body, which can be found in coffee that is made directly from the coffee beans.
Cafestol in coffee beans has been reduced very much on instant coffee or coffee that has been through the process filter. Therefore, lowering the risk of heart disease due to high cholesterol by choosing instant coffee.

Causes hallucinations

A study by Durham University shows the results for high risk for experiencing hallucinations in those who are drinkers 7 times more instant coffee than coffee drinkers milled per day. This can be caused by an increase on production of cortisone, a stress hormone in the body due to the consumption of instant coffee.

However, it still continues to be studied over time.

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