There have been many who know that caffeine is taken just before bedtime helps delay the increase 'sleep hormone' more than an hour.
Caffeine has been known to help the audience eliminate sleepiness, but scientists have now discovered that caffeine is able to help those who are experiencing jet lag or acute sleep disorders. Drinking two cups of espresso three hours before sleep can alter the function of the body for
approximately one hour. It is able to help those affected by jet lag because the hour of sleep has changed drastically.
Coffee consumed in the afternoon automatically reset the internal body (which regulate the function of biological and genetic) that affect the body's natural cycle of the day and night. Caffeine is able to provide more than just busting effects of drowsiness or useful as a friend vigil overnight. With the magic of caffeine is able to set the time on the human body by delaying the increase in the level of melotonin. Melotonin itself is an important key that controls the sleep hormone in humans. Level fluctuate on melatonin helps sleep and wake up naturally man.
Two of the scientists from England and the United States conducted a study to several volunteer and observe what happens to the individual cells of the human body when exposed to caffeine. This research head Dr John O'Neill from the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology London says: "The effect of caffeine on sleep and wakefulness has long existed, but its impact on the body clock (body clock) is unknown".
Dr John O'Neill added: "These findings can help people who are experiencing circadian sleep disorders, namely those of his body clock for 24 hours does not work correctly and properly. And of course it can also help those who are jet lag. Our findings also provide a full explanation why some people find it difficult to sleep if they drink coffee in the evening. Because caffeine automatically change their body clock to time the opposite ".
"By understanding the effects of caffeine on the body clock to the individual cells of the body then you are able to regulate sleep patterns in a more natural way."
Body clock pattern or patterns of the body clock known as circadian rhythms set by the "master clock" in the brain that regulates the release of melatonin. Mechanisms and ways of working that connect the clock throughout the body to shelter small-cell regulated by light entering through human eyes. That is why when human sleep better when the lights turned off.
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