Coffee Brewing Basics Part 2

By Iyicoffee

Coffee Brewing Basics 5: Pour Time

Time brewed or so-called contact time will greatly affect the concentrations that we brewed coffee: there are great so liquid or weak, some are great so thick and strong. Coffee tool will clearly affect how we adjust seduhnya time. Because of different methods will require different grind results that determine when brewed. The fastest time in the brewed coffee is espresso brewing process, whereas the longest for hot coffee was french press. Makers time we could go back and to correlate the results
seduhnya. Although only differ a few seconds, the coffee will be different results, even if made with the same tool. For reasons of consistency a case that we need to determine the time brewed with the same tool. For example, a 20 to espresso makers. 35 seconds, when brewed pourover / sd 2:30 drip. 3:30 minutes, when brewed full Immerse 3 sd. 5 minutes, and so on.

Coffee Brewing Basics 6: Water and Temperature

Water is the most important thing in a cup of coffee, 98-99% in a cup of coffee is water. Well, if we are not careful in the use of water that will happen is the destruction of the taste of coffee that we brewed. Clear water should not be odorless and should not be murky color. Protocol issued in bodies of water world coffee parsed by various parameters: hardness and total dissolve solid, pH, alkalinity, sodium, chlorine, etc.. These parameters are difficult to see with the naked eye or felt with the tongue. If we want to get the results in detail, then we must do lab tests or using a measuring tool that can parse the parameter.

But we certainly want to know the parameters manually or simply lay knowledge alone. If there is still limited knowledge we laymen can use the senses of sight and taste, at least not enough to know the smell and murky water. We can do an experiment, for example, silence in a clear glass of water for one cup. If the water is not dirty, then there would be no sediment at the bottom of the glass, and if the water does not smell usually after boiling the water still smelled fresh. Or we can try the water used for brewing. If the water we use is good, then the water can remove the taste and aroma optimally. Conversely, if less well will cause bitter or salty taste in our coffee cups.

Regarding the water temperature, which is generally recommended temperature ranges between 85 ° -96 ° C. However, keep in mind that we also have to look at the coffee roast profile. If the darker roast his profile, it will be more susceptible to heat water that will cause a bitter taste. Conversely, if the water temperature is less hot, it will cause the coffee flavor is not optimal.

Coffee Brewing Basics 7: Ratio of Coffee and Water

The ratio between the water and the coffee is the most important thing to be discussed. In my opinion, a good ratio is 15-18 ml of water per 1 gram of powdered coffee. If the coffee is too thick, it will cause a very bitter taste and eliminate most of the existing flavors. If the coffee is too thin, it will make the taste and aroma of coffee is not optimal and tend to be very mild.

Coffee Brewing Basics 8: Attributes Flavor

Good before determining the above parameters, we test the taste or so-called cupping. In this process we will be able to know more clearly all the attributes of the coffee flavor in the coffee. So by the time we brew coffee, we already have a sense of the parameters that we want to get. Without knowing the sense of purpose that we want to find, impossible we will achieve maximum flavor.

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